Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, there is a datasheet and user manual available for the SF8300-ZIF14 laser diode controller. It is recommended to read the manual thoroughly before powering on the driver. If you have any doubts or suggestions, you can contact Maiman Electronics LLC.

The laser diode controller is suitable for driving/controlling butterfly laser diodes 14 pin Pinout Type 1. It can be used for laser pumping, laser spectroscopy, laboratory test set-ups, and is an excellent choice for laser diodes from II-VI Laser Enterprise, Eblana Photonics, 3SP Technologies, Furukawa, and more.

The laser diode controller includes an all-in-one current source, temperature controller, and mount with azimuth ZIF socket for butterfly. It is compatible with Type 1 Butterfly 14-pin Laser DiodeLD, has low current ripple, and current stability of less than 0.1%. It also has an integrated PID controller, doesn't require setup, and has a soft-start current ramp, current limit, and temperature limit for laser diode protection. Free software is also included.

The SF8XXX-ZIF14 series laser diode controller is specially designed to work with laser diodes in butterfly packaging with 14 pin pump laser diodes.

The laser diode controller has a TEC for maintaining a precise temperature through a Peltier element (TEM) with a temperature stability of +/- 0.01 °C.

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