Frequently Asked Questions

GRENOUILLE measures the actual pulse, not the coherent artifact. In addition, it also measures the beam spatial profile and simultaneously yields the otherwise-difficult-to-measure spatio-temporal distortions, spatial chirp and pulse-front tilt, which occur in most ultrashort pulses but are almost never measured.

GRENOUILLE is an ultrashort-laser-pulse measurement device that yields the pulse intensity and phase vs. time and spectrum and spectral phase with great accuracy and reliability, requiring no assumptions about the pulse.

A single GRENOUILLE can measure pulses from a wide variety of sources, from the lowest-energy oscillator to the highest-intensity amplifier.

GRENOUILLE weighs as little as 1 kg, it’s light and compact, with a footprint smaller than a foot.

No, GRENOUILLE needs no alignment—ever! Even placing it in the beam is amazingly easy.

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