LED Microsensor NT LLC
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Frequently Asked Questions

The related products for the Lms14LED series are the Lms24PD and Lms25PD series detectors of mid-infrared radiation, and LED drivers (D-41i, D-51i, minidrivers mD-1c, mD-1p) that provide LED power supply in pulse modes.

The Lms14LED series is a Near-Infrared (NIR) Light-Emitting Diode.

The temperature range may vary for different packaging types, but all parameters refer to LEDs in TO18 package with a cavity and operation at ambient temperature 25°C unless otherwise stated.

The typical current-voltage characteristic for the Lms14LED series is forward voltage1qCW mode3 I = 200 mA V 0.8 - 1.1 V.

When using the Lms14LED series, customers should check their connection circuit before turning on the LED, mind the LED polarity (anode is marked with a RED dot), and avoid applying reverse voltage.

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