IB Laser Consulting Inc.
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Frequently Asked Questions

The key advantages of the Spark M Ultra High Energy kHz Diode-Pumped Laser include the MOPA architecture, high pulse energy of up to 100 mJ, excellent beam quality, and high repetition rate.

The specifications of the Spark M Ultra High Energy kHz Diode-Pumped Laser include a wavelength of 1064 nm, pulse energy of up to 100 mJ, repetition rate of 1-0.5 kHz, pulse duration of less than 2 ns, and beam quality with M2 less than 2.5.

The target applications of the Spark M Ultra High Energy kHz Diode-Pumped Laser include biomedical research, materials processing, mid-IR OPO/OPA pumping, nonlinear molecular spectroscopy, and high-energy laser pumping.

The MOPA architecture is a master oscillator power-amplifier architecture that provides a unique combination of high pulse energy, excellent beam quality, and high repetition rate.

The Spark M Ultra High Energy kHz Diode-Pumped Laser is a solid-state laser that provides up to 100 mJ pulse energy, TEM00 mode, and 1-kHz rep rate.

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