Frequently Asked Questions

NPI Lasers is located at Floor 4, Cui-Ping Science Park, 37 Jiangjun Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing, 211100, China. Their contact number is +86-(0)25-84989433 and their email is

The specifications of the ASE-2000 include a center wavelength of 1950±30 nm, a bandwidth of >150 nm (typical), an average output power of >10 mW, and an output stability of ±1% (at 25°C).

The ASE-2000 features broad bandwidth, a compact footprint, a diffraction limited beam, a turn-key system, and requires no maintenance.

The ASE-2000 is suitable for gas sensing, biomedical analysis, spectroscopy, test and measurement, and OCT applications.

The ASE-2000 is a mid-IR broadband light source manufactured by NPI Lasers.

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