Frequently Asked Questions

The Lambert sCMOS has a high sensitivity, high resolution, and high dynamic range. It has a sensor pixel size of 9.7 um x 9.7 um, a sensor full-well capacity of > 25000 e-, a sensor dynamic range of > 60 dB, and a frame rate of up to 100 fps at full resolution. It has a rolling shutter sensor shutter mode and a read noise of < 4 e- med. It is compatible with 10/8 bit Base CameraLink and has an operating temperature of -40°C to +60°C.

The Lambert sCMOS has automatic gain control (AGC), automatic exposure control (AEC), and non-uniformity correction (NUC) to optimize image quality to match the light conditions.

Lambert Instruments BV is located at 19 Leonard Springerlaan (fifth floor) 9727 KB Groningen The Netherlands. They can be reached by email at or by phone at +31 50 501 8461.

The Lambert sCMOS is used for scientific research, R&D, machine vision, and other industrial applications, including biomedical imaging, low-light imaging, microfluidics, spinning-disk confocal microscopy, and light sheet microscopy.

The Lambert sCMOS software makes it easy to record and analyze images, and these images can also be viewed in the popular image processing platform ImageJ/FIJI.

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