Frequently Asked Questions

NavMapTM is a technique that allows you to navigate on a zoomed sample's surface to closely visualize sample surface details.

The EasyNavTM package includes three revolutionary applications: NavMapTM, NavSharpTM, and ViewSharpTM. These applications allow for easy navigation, real-time sharp imaging, and 3D topography construction.

ViewSharpTM constructs an image in which all surfaces are in focus simultaneously, creating a 3D topography image. It guarantees the highest focal quality in Raman images, providing a unique 3D chemical visualization of the sample.

NavSharpTM technology delivers sharp and rapid navigation on a sample image with any topography, keeping the field of view constantly focused on the sample surface.

The EasyNavTM package is compatible with HORIBA's LabRAM® HR Evolution & XploRA® Series Raman microscopes.

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