Frequently Asked Questions

GaSe crystal is used for THz radiation generation, SHG in the mid-IR, upconversion of IR laser radiation into the visible range, and parametric generation within 3 – 20 µm.

The transparency range of GaSe crystal is 0.62 - 20 µm.

The non-linear coefficient of GaSe crystal is pm/V d22 = 54.

The optical damage threshold of GaSe crystal is 28 MW/cm2 (9.3 µm, 150 ns); 0.5 (10.6 µm, in CW mode); 30 (1.064 µm, 10 ns).

The thickness of GaSe crystal is usually 0.2 mm for a 10x10 mm crystal mounted in a dia.1'' holder with CA opening dia. 9-9.5 mm. However, for thicknesses about 0.2-0.3 mm or less, GaSe plate easily bends and we obtain a curved surface instead of a flat one.

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