Frequently Asked Questions

The pulseSelect HP-Ti:Sa Dualband is an acousto-optical single pulse selector used for laser pulse selection in femtosecond laser technology.

The pulseSelect HP-Ti:Sa Dualband minimizes pulse distortion by using a low dispersive design and reflective optics.

The pulseSelect HP-Ti:Sa Dualband allows for division ratios down to fREP/2, which is continuously variable between fREP/2 and fREP/260,000.

Yes, the pulseSelect HP-Ti:Sa Dualband is suitable for ultra-short pulses down to <20 fs.

The pulseSelect Single variant consists of an optical module and control electronics, while the pulseSelect Dual variant is available in two versions - Serial and Parallel. The Serial variant offers an improved contrast ratio of over 6000:1, while the Parallel version allows for the simultaneous picking of pulses from two synchronized laser sources.

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