Frequently Asked Questions

Brewster Windows are primarily used in laser cavities to produce a beam with a high degree of polarization purity. They are also an economical option for coupling linearly polarized light into sealed optical systems and to select the polarization of light traveling in optical cavities.

Brewster's angle can be calculated using the following equation: θB=Arctan(nw/na) where θB is Brewster's angle and nw and na are the indices of refraction for the window and the ambient respectively. na is usually assumed to be 1 for air.

The available materials for the RMI Infrared Brewster Window are ZnSe, ZnS, Ge, Silicon, CaF2, Sapphire, Fused Silica, and SF.

The surface quality of the RMI Infrared Brewster Window is greater than 85%.

The thickness tolerance of the RMI Infrared Brewster Window is ±.010''.

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