Frequently Asked Questions

No, the exterior cover case and beam-shaping optics are optional and available upon request.

The Micro-1079-QSW flashlamp pumped OEM laser head can be used in medical and aesthetic laser devices as a hand-held laser handpiece, as well as in other space-saving applications.

The major advantages of the Micro-1079-QSW flashlamp pumped OEM laser head are its ultra-compact design, both free-running and q-switching modes of operation, and different wavelengths available.

The Micro-1079-QSW flashlamp pumped OEM laser head is a laser head developed for use in medical and aesthetic laser devices.

The Micro-1079-QSW flashlamp pumped OEM laser head is available in different wavelengths, including 1540nm, 755nm, 1064nm, 1079nm, 1340nm, and 2940nm.

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