Frequently Asked Questions

TaraXL is a USB Stereo camera optimized for NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier/TX2 and NVIDIA GPU Cards.

TaraXL can be used in applications like Depth Sensing, Disparity Map, and Point Cloud.

TaraXL features 1/3" OnSemi's MT9V024 Global Shutter Monochrome CMOS image sensors, WVGA (752 x 480p) at 60 fps, VGA (cropped) (640 x 480) at 60 fps, QVGA (320 x 240) at 60 fps over USB 3.0, pixel synchronous parallel monochrome output, USB powered, and a baseline distance of 60mm.

No, TaraXL is USB powered and does not require a separate power source.

TaraXL comes with an M12 S-mount lens holder.

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