
TeraHertz Sources

Terasense, a leading manufacturer of terahertz imaging systems, has released a new ~300GHz wave source with a powerful output of 100mW. This breakthrough product doubles the previous achievement of 50mW for ~300GHz IMPATT-based generators. The new wave source can be used with Terasense's TeraFAST high-speed scanner system, enabling ...


Frequency: 300 GHz
Output Power: 100 mW
Waveform: Continuous Wave (CW)
Applications: Imaging, Spectroscopy, Other
Data Sheet

Frequently Asked Questions

A THz source is a device that produces electromagnetic radiation in the terahertz frequency range, typically from 0.1 to 10 THz. These sources can be used for a wide range of applications, including imaging, sensing, and communication.

Some common types of THz sources include IMPATT diodes, Gunn diodes, quantum cascade lasers, and optical rectification sources. Each type of source has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of source depends on the specific application.

When choosing a THz source, some important factors to consider include the frequency range, output power, stability, and ease of use. It's also important to consider the specific requirements of your application, such as imaging resolution or sensitivity.

THz sources can be used for a wide range of applications, including non-destructive testing, medical imaging, security screening, and spectroscopy. They are also being explored for use in wireless communication systems and high-speed data transmission.

It depends on the specific requirements of your application. THz sources can be used for a wide range of applications, but it's important to carefully consider the frequency range, output power, and other factors when choosing a source. If you're unsure whether a THz source is suitable for your application, consult with a technical expert or contact the manufacturer for guidance.

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Did You know?

Terahertz sources are devices that generate terahertz electromagnetic waves, which fall between the microwave and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. They have numerous applications in fields such as imaging, sensing, spectroscopy, and communication. There are several types of terahertz sources, including quantum cascade lasers, photoconductive antennas, and electronic sources such as IMPATT diodes and Gunn diodes. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of power, frequency range, and spectral purity. Terahertz sources can be further categorized based on their output power, frequency range, and modulation capabilities. The development of high-power terahertz sources with wide frequency coverage and high modulation speeds has been a subject of intense research, driven by the need for improved performance in various applications. As the field of terahertz technology continues to grow, the demand for advanced and reliable terahertz sources is expected to increase.