Search Results for: electron beam

Laser Marking on Metals: Techniques and Parameters
Laser Marking on Metals: Techniques and Parameters
Laser marking of metals is becoming an increasingly important process in product identification and branding. On our blog, we have previously written about the basic principles of laser marking, the proper ...
Mode-Locked Lasers Improved With Graphene Technology
Mode-Locked Lasers Improved With Graphene Technology
Ever since graphene sheets were isolated from bulk graphite in 2004, two-dimensional materials have received an immense amount of interest for their unexpected and novel electronic and optical properties. ...
Laser Cooling: A Future for Cryogenics Without Liquid Coolants
Laser Cooling: A Future for Cryogenics Without Liquid Coolants
Low temperature physics has helped us produce exotic quantum materials such as superconductors. This usually requires cryogenic fluids such as liquid nitrogen and helium for operation. Recently cooling ...
Surface Emitting Lasers: Types and Applications in Sensing
Surface Emitting Lasers: Types and Applications in Sensing
Since the first demonstration of the laser in 1960, people have endeavored to make lasers more compact. Semiconductor lasers achieved this desired compactness employing so called heterostructures. This ...
Diode Lasers for Cytometry: Cell Counting and Sorting
Diode Lasers for Cytometry: Cell Counting and Sorting
Since the invention of the first operating laser in 1960, lasers have been designed in various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and output powers. Soon after the advent of semiconductor fabrication ...
Silicon Photonic Circuits for Optical Interconnects and All Optical Processing
Silicon Photonic Circuits for Optical Interconnects and All Optical Processing
Silicon photonics is the technology of using optical processing components made of silicon itself, rather than other materials. Electronic interconnects with copper contribute to high power consumption and ...
Two-Photon Polymerization of Cellular Scaffolds
Two-Photon Polymerization of Cellular Scaffolds
In many tissue engineering experiments, a form of support is required to promote cell growth. Three dimensional scaffolds provide an artificial extracellular matrix, attachment sites for cells, support for ...
Photon/Solar Sail: Making Interstellar Travel Possible
Photon/Solar Sail: Making Interstellar Travel Possible
From Star Wars to Star Trek, the idea of interstellar travel has always fascinated us. Today, scientists and researchers are looking for ways to turn the vision of interstellar travel into reality. One of ...
Laser Ophthalmoscope: A Handheld Tool for Rural Optometry
Laser Ophthalmoscope: A Handheld Tool for Rural Optometry
Adaptive optics is a technology to compensate for distortions in an imaging system. It typically uses a deformable mirror, that deforms to adjust for incoming distortion as the image is taken. It has been ...
Optical Frequency Combs for Molecular Fingerprinting
Optical Frequency Combs for Molecular Fingerprinting
Researchers at the University of Colorado, Boulder have been experimenting with laser sources called optical frequency combs to find a new way of studying molecular structures. Frequency combs get their ...