Search Results for: electron beam

Electron-Beam Evaporation for Thin-Film Deposition
Electron-Beam Evaporation for Thin-Film Deposition
Introduction to Thin-film Processes Thin-film deposition is a fundamental step in the fabrication process of micro/nano devices.  A thin film is typically less than 1000 nano-meters in thickness. The ...
HWG and PIR Fibers: CO2 Laser Beam Delivery Resolved
HWG and PIR Fibers: CO2 Laser Beam Delivery Resolved
Introduction In this article we will discuss the use of HWG and PIR fibers for CO2 and CO laser beam delivery. Since their invention over half a century ago, CO2 and CO lasers have attracted the attention ...
Electron Spectroscopy for Surfaces Analysis
Electron Spectroscopy for Surfaces Analysis
The electron can provide lots of information about a material’s surface in electron spectroscopy studies. Traditionally, electron spectroscopy uses the characteristics of electrons emitted from ...
Electronic Readers: Using Lighting For A New Wave of Books
Electronic Readers: Using Lighting For A New Wave of Books
Today’s blog post is sponsored by Gentec-EO– a leader for all your laser beam measurements. Electronic readers, more commonly known as E-Readers, have grown in popularity since they give users easy access ...
Free-Electron Laser Used to Dissociate Proteins Linked to Alzheimer’s
Free-Electron Laser Used to Dissociate Proteins Linked to Alzheimer’s
The mid-IR free-electron laser has been used in the medical sector for some time now. Laser usage in medicine has opened many doors and created countless avenues for surgery and forms of therapy. Recently, ...
Beam Profiling Systems and Their Applications
Beam Profiling Systems and Their Applications
Beam profiling systems are an essential technology to ensure the quality and uniformity of lasers. Beam profilers measure the optical spatial intensity of an input laser beam,  providing information about ...
Where Electronics Meets Optics: Electro-Optics, a Dynamic Duo
Where Electronics Meets Optics: Electro-Optics, a Dynamic Duo
What is Electro-Optics? In the last 20 years or so, the field of electro-optics has become increasingly important. It is often challenging to predict the future of scientific discoveries and their relevant ...
Laser Welding: The Joining Force From Laser Beams
What is Laser Welding? While laser cutting is used for separating parts of an object, laser welding is a process that joins together separated materials. When a laser beam hits the material surface, the ...
Invisible Materials: The Science and Future of Light Manipulation
Invisible Materials: The Science and Future of Light Manipulation
In this article we will take you on a journey through the enigmatic world of invisible materials, leading you to our detailed exploration of the inner workings of modern meta-materials that enable cloaking ...
CT Scan: A Deep Dive into Computed Tomography
CT Scan: A Deep Dive into Computed Tomography
In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the technological intricacies of Computed Tomography (CT Scan), aiming to enlighten both professionals and enthusiasts about the principles, advancements, and ...