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Starlink: Innovating the Internet
Starlink: Innovating the Internet
Starlink, a collection of satellites operated by SpaceX, is at the forefront of delivering global wireless internet coverage to nearly 45 participating countries. In this blog post, we will discuss the ...
Overfishing: How To Mitigate It With Lights And Lasers
Overfishing: How To Mitigate It With Lights And Lasers
The Dilemma of Overfishing The phrase, “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” explains how teaching can be much more valuable for someone, as ...
Semiconductors: Two High Impact Applications
Semiconductors: Two High Impact Applications
Semiconductors are essential for modern day life as we know it. From their usage in integrated circuits for computers’ logic functions to satellite communications, semiconductors allow for efficient ...