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Photonics and Heart Disease: Alternate Combat Approach
Photonics and Heart Disease: Alternate Combat Approach
Introduction It’s no secret that heart disease is still one of the leading causes of death in the United States. However, the numbers may surprise you. For example, did you know that someone dies every 36 ...
Diagnostic and Surgical Applications of Photonics in Ophthalmology
Diagnostic and Surgical Applications of Photonics in Ophthalmology
Introduction Photonics has a wide array of applications in data communications, imaging, light sensing, and surgery. One such field where the utilization of light is particularly useful is ophthalmology. ...
Photonics Technologies in Aerospace and Defense Applications
Photonics Technologies in Aerospace and Defense Applications
One area where photonics is integrated prolifically is the aerospace and defense world. Giants of the aerospace and defense industry rely heavily on implementing photonics technologies to successfully ...
Photonics in Medicine: Top 5 Biomedical Impacts
Photonics in Medicine: Top 5 Biomedical Impacts
Researchers began manipulating laser technologies to use in scientific research long time ago. Which began as abstract exploration of the behavior of light and its interaction with nature, soon turned into ...
Wearable Photonics: A Further Representation of Technology in Everyday Life
Wearable Photonics: A Further Representation of Technology in Everyday Life
New Changes in the Hands of the Everyday Individual: Photonics in Wearable Technology With rapid advancements in common devices like phones and watches, technology has become more prominent in everyday ...
Portable Spectroscopy and How it is Changing Agriculture
Portable Spectroscopy and How it is Changing Agriculture
Precision agriculture is the practice of micromanaging crops to maximize yield, with the help of sensors, mapping techniques and laboratory studies like spectroscopy. This type of “smart” farming is ...
Telescopes: the Instruments of Cosmic Espionage
Telescopes: the Instruments of Cosmic Espionage
The nightly sky has fascinated early humans and modern research scientists alike. Many wonder what is out there and look to the sky for answers to questions like: are we alone? Due to the vast scale of the ...
Futuristic Farming: Photonics Technologies in Land and Crops
Futuristic Farming: Photonics Technologies in Land and Crops
Photonics Technologies in Farming Farmers everywhere face the same daunting task: the world population is growing at an exponential rate, and food supply has to keep up. There is practical limits to a ...
Vision Capabilities Lead Evolution of Robots: Optical and Camera Sensors
Vision Capabilities Lead Evolution of Robots: Optical and Camera Sensors
The impending dominance of robots in our world is almost taken for granted. Smartphones and computers have shown us how useful and versatile technological devices can be, let alone truly intelligent ones. ...
Laser Reliability: Six Factors to Consider Before Buying a Laser
Laser Reliability: Six Factors to Consider Before Buying a Laser
What is Laser Reliability? Ever since its creation, laser, the “sacred lightsaber”, has become a secret weapon to unravel the cutting-edge problems in numerous scientific and engineering fields. The ...