in-vivo diagnostics Archives » FindLight Blog

Photonics in Medicine: Top 5 Biomedical Impacts
Photonics in Medicine: Top 5 Biomedical Impacts
Researchers began manipulating laser technologies to use in scientific research long time ago. Which began as abstract exploration of the behavior of light and its interaction with nature, soon turned into ...
Optical Ultrasound: High Potential to Change Surgical Guidance
Optical Ultrasound: High Potential to Change Surgical Guidance
In modern medicine, the ultrasound is a go-to method for viewing the body’s internal structures, given its non-invasive nature. Ultrasound produces images in real time by relaying high frequency soundwaves ...
Light Injection in Waveguide Connected Microdisks (WCM)
Light Injection in Waveguide Connected Microdisks (WCM)
Researchers from the Harbin Institute of Technology at Shenzhen and Shanxi University have created a new configuration for waveguide connected microdisks (WCM). Their method could significantly reduce ...