Search Results for: fiber lasers

Photonics and Heart Disease: Alternate Combat Approach
Photonics and Heart Disease: Alternate Combat Approach
Introduction It’s no secret that heart disease is still one of the leading causes of death in the United States. However, the numbers may surprise you. For example, did you know that someone dies every 36 ...
Diagnostic and Surgical Applications of Photonics in Ophthalmology
Diagnostic and Surgical Applications of Photonics in Ophthalmology
Introduction Photonics has a wide array of applications in data communications, imaging, light sensing, and surgery. One such field where the utilization of light is particularly useful is ophthalmology. ...
Neural Imaging with Visible Light: Intrinsic Signal
Neural Imaging with Visible Light: Intrinsic Signal
Recent advances in neural imaging (or neuroimaging) techniques may pave the way for better treatment of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and next-generation applications in fields ...
Laser Welding: A Brief Introductory Guide
Laser Welding: A Brief Introductory Guide
In this blog post we will provide a brief introductory guide to laser welding. If you ever wondered what welding is, how lasers fuse materials, what industries use laser welding and more, this introductory ...
Hubble Space Telescope and Planetary Formation
Hubble Space Telescope and Planetary Formation
History of Telescopes When students begin to learn about space, astronomy, and the telescope in school, one of the first names that stands out is Galileo’s. Galileo Galilei was the first to point a ...
Free-Electron Laser Used to Dissociate Proteins Linked to Alzheimer’s
Free-Electron Laser Used to Dissociate Proteins Linked to Alzheimer’s
The mid-IR free-electron laser has been used in the medical sector for some time now. Laser usage in medicine has opened many doors and created countless avenues for surgery and forms of therapy. Recently, ...
LED Technologies: How it Revolutionized the World
LED Technologies: How it Revolutionized the World
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are commonplace now and becoming the default source of choice, with growing levels of production and consumption. They are found in everything from illumination systems to ...
Light Detectors: Detecting and Diagnosing Light
Light Detectors: Detecting and Diagnosing Light
Light detectors, also known as photodetectors are common not just in labs, but in our everyday appliances. From automatic doors to video cameras, photodetectors are established technologies that help make ...
Alternatives to Silicon: Graphene, Gallium Nitride and Perovskites
Alternatives to Silicon: Graphene, Gallium Nitride and Perovskites
The advent of the semiconductors as it pertains to electronics has been nothing short of revolutionary. Specifically, semiconductors have enabled the processing of large amounts of data in smaller devices. ...
In Ovo Spectroscopy for Chicken Egg Sex Determination
In Ovo Spectroscopy for Chicken Egg Sex Determination
In ovo spectroscopy is an emerging technology for the welfare of baby chicks. In the egg industry male chicks are considered flaws in production. Egg laying breeds do not grow enough meat for production, ...