Leukos: Driving Innovation in Supercontinuum Lasers and Optical Solutions for Science and Industry Worldwide.
2 Rue Edouard Michaud Beaublanc Bât. 3-4-5, 87000
Limoges, France
Phone: +335 87 20 00 25


Leukos is a world-leading company in the field of supercontinuum laser sources. Established in February 2006 as a start-up born from XLIM research institute, Leukos has rapidly gained recognition for its expertise in nonlinear optics and the development of compact supercontinuum lasers. With a strong focus on innovation, the company has been providing cutting-edge solutions to universities, research institutes, and industries globally.

The product portfolio of Leukos includes a range of high-quality supercontinuum lasers, ultrafast fiber lasers, microchip lasers, optical fibers, and accessories. These products cater to scientific and industrial applications, offering versatile solutions for imaging, metrology, particle analysis, remote sensing, and spectroscopy.

In addition to its technological advancements, Leukos has expanded its capabilities by acquiring Horus Laser, a French company specializing in sub-nanosecond microchip lasers. This strategic partnership has further strengthened Leukos' position in the market and broadened its product offerings.

Headquartered in Limoges, France, Leukos operates globally with a presence in Europe, North America, and Asia. The company's success is backed by a dedicated team of experts who are at the forefront of research and development, ensuring that Leukos remains at the cutting edge of the industry.

Leukos takes pride in its commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. By offering comprehensive solutions and exceptional support, the company aims to meet the diverse needs of its clients. Whether it's universities, research institutes, or industrial organizations, Leukos is dedicated to providing tailored solutions that drive innovation and enable breakthrough discoveries.

As a responsible company, Leukos adheres to legal standards and prioritizes the privacy of its customers. It complies with all necessary regulations and has implemented robust privacy policies to safeguard the data shared with the company.