MaxxVision: Your Trusted Partner for Industrial Cameras and Vision Components. Expert Solutions Tailored to Your Needs.
MaxxVision GmbH
Sigmaringer Str. 121
Stuttgart, 70567, Germany
Phone: +49-0-711-9979963
MaxxVision GmbH
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MaxxVision GmbH

MaxxVision, established in 2000, is a leading supplier of industrial cameras and components for industrial image processing in Germany. Our products cater to diverse applications in industries such as automotive, electronics, semiconductor, medical, pharmaceutical, food, packaging, and research. We offer a wide range of standard products and also specialize in providing customized solutions tailored to meet specific customer requirements.

At MaxxVision, we pride ourselves on offering comprehensive support to our clients. Our team of experts provides consulting services to ensure seamless integration of vision systems into existing infrastructures. With years of experience and strong partnerships with suppliers, we guarantee technically superior and cost-effective solutions.

For unique needs that cannot be met with standard products, MaxxVision collaborates with specialized partners to develop custom solutions for cameras, optics, and lighting.

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