Lytid: Pioneering Terahertz Technologies for Scientific and Industrial Frontiers, Redefining Possibilities with Compact, Powerful, and Innovative Solutions.
0 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet
Paris, F-75013, FRANCE
Phone: +33-6-99-37-50-53
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Lytid is a leading company specializing in terahertz technologies, catering to scientific and industrial applications. Focused on seeing things differently, Lytid develops state-of-the-art terahertz sources through Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) and Schottky diode multipliers. Partnering with Paris Diderot University and the Observatoire de Paris, Lytid offers compact, powerful, and user-friendly terahertz solutions from 0.1THz to 5THz, distinguishing itself as the sole provider of high-power continuous-wave terahertz sources worldwide.

Lytid's vision revolves around advancing and disseminating terahertz technologies globally, recognizing its potential to revolutionize industries. Key applications include non-destructive testing, non-invasive medical imaging, remote sensing for security, and ultra-broadband telecommunication networks.

Their flagship product, TeraCascade, a terahertz QCL source, earned a Prism Award for Photonics Innovation, reinforcing Lytid's commitment to promoting terahertz applications for science and industry. Founded in 2015, Lytid continues to lead in the semiconductor industry, driving technological progress in terahertz technology.

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