Highland Technology, Inc.: Precision Electronic Instruments for Cutting-Edge Solutions and Reliable Performance.
Highland Technology
650 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110, USA
Phone: +1 (415) 551-1700

Highland Technology

Highland Technology, Inc. is a renowned precision electronic instrumentation company based in San Francisco, California. With a history dating back to 1984, Highland has established itself as a leading provider of high-quality products and solutions in the industry. The company designs and manufactures a wide range of electronic instruments, including VME boards, catering to various applications.

At Highland, meticulous attention is given to manufacturing and quality control processes, ensuring that customers receive reliable and cutting-edge technology. The company takes pride in its commitment to excellence and strives to meet the evolving needs of its clientele.

Highland has forged strong relationships with both domestic and international partners, such as United Technologies and ElectroOptical Innovations, enabling them to deliver comprehensive solutions to their customers. The company's collaboration with these esteemed partners further highlights their dedication to delivering top-notch products and services.

Customers who choose Highland benefit from the company's expertise and innovation. Through selected customer testimonials, prospective clients can gain insights into how Highland's products have been successfully applied in various industries. Additionally, the company has received numerous awards and accolades, further cementing their reputation as a trusted and reliable provider of precision electronic instrumentation.