Frequently Asked Questions

NavSharpTM technology delivers sharp and rapid navigation on a sample image with any topography, keeping the field of view constantly focused on the sample surface.

The patented technologies used in this product are NavSharpTM and ViewSharpTM, protected by patent EP3351992B1.

The unique features of the EasyNavTM package include NavMapTM for easy navigation through the image, NavSharpTM for real-time navigation of sharp images, and ViewSharpTM for constructing a 3D topography and acquiring rapid, in-focus Raman images.

The EasyNavTM package is compatible with HORIBA's LabRAM® HR Evolution & XploRA® Series Raman microscopes.

ViewSharpTM technology creates an image in which all surfaces are in focus simultaneously, guaranteeing the highest focal quality in Raman images. It also creates a 3D topography image for a unique 3D chemical visualization of the sample.

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