Frequently Asked Questions

CLBO crystal is widely used for semiconductor inspection, micro processing, bio-medical, UV-LIDAR, etc.

CLBO has larger spectral and temperature acceptance, larger angle tolerance, and smaller walk-off angle compared to BBO crystal, which makes it obtain larger SHG conversion efficiencies than BBO.

CLBO crystal has a cut-off wavelength up to 180nm, maximum FOHG and FHG conversion efficiencies of Nd:YAG laser, relatively large effective NLO coefficient, wide acceptance angle and small walk-off angle, and no saturation for high-power generation.

CLBO crystal has a tetragonal crystal structure with a lattice parameter of Z=4a=b=10.494Å and c=8.939Å.

The damage threshold of CLBO crystal is 26GW/cm2.

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